During the heat wave time has passed without halos until today.
This display shows a 23° parhelia but it's hard to tell whether there are other members of odd radius family present besides the faint 9° ring.
Same place, same time as in 25th May post but no radius halos here only a sole small halo ring.
This one is 16 frames unprocessed except the treeline.
--- Sama koht, samal ajal nagu 25 Mai postituses, kuid puuduvad raadius-halod. 16 kaadrit, töötlemata, välja arvatud puud pildi servades.
At first a strong 22° halo kicked in...
--- Alguses tekkis pilvedesse küllaltki tugev 22° halo...
And 15 minutes later pyramidial halos arrived for a brief moment...this one below show 9°, 20° and 24° halo rings.
--- Ning 15 minutit hiljem saabusid raadius-halod vaid üürikeseks momendiks...siin all on näha 9°, 20° and 24° halo ringid.