October 10, 2010

Fogbow spectacular


Temperature 8°C, relative humidity 99% and 0.0m/s wind at 08.00 UTC+2 in the morning.

Without the cloud disturbance it was hard not to notice these huge bows. A few hundred meters away on the roadside there was another fellow skywatcher - but wait, after a closer inspection I realized that he was facing towards sun and did not care about the fogbow. Seems that he counted hundreds of migrating birds (Canada Goose/Branta canadensis) who were resting on the field.
This is another fogbow that shows the secondary fogbow fairly well. Additional processing in Photosop brings out even the secondary supernumerary fogbow !
The latter is extreme rarity but can be produced in dark with bright searchlamp (links 1 2).

October 9, 2010

Autumn halo display


Here's a random shot during the event, not very impressive though, rest of the shots were more or less the same but sufficient enough to stack.
Forgot to mention that the image above consists of 113 frames stacked together with help of a Registax software.