September 15, 2008

August part-2 - August 2ne osa


I was working outside for quite a while when I spot a fragment of parhelic circle around 11:00 GMT+2

Välitöödel Keila-Joa kandis. Umbes kell 11:00 GMT+2 tekkis taevasse osaline horisontaalring.

A 120° parhelion.


Later the thick layer of clouds started to vanish and the almost the full parhelic circle became visible.

Hiljem hakkas ühtlane pilvehägu taanduma ja peaaegu täielik horisontaalring ilmus nähtavale.

A Photoshop USM filter version of the image above.

Sama pilt, mis üleval. Kontrasti ja detaili on suurendatud Photoshop USM filtri abil.

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