December 22, 2009

Streetlight pillars


The snowguns nearby were all turned off so the ice crystals in air had to be all natural air born.
The display started around 18:00 and lasted til 21:00
Kõik läheduses asuvad lumekahurid on ammu talvekorteritesse viidud, seega sambaid tekitanud jääkristallid pidid kõik olema naturaalsed, õhus kasvanud.
Kokku kestis vaatemäng vahelduva eduga 18:00 kuni 21:00

Here trying to make some lamp halos. The crystal quality on ground level was poor so only pillars were observed.
Siin proovin tehisvalgusega halosid teha. Kuna kristallide kvaliteet maapinna kohal oli nigel, siis sai ainult valgussambaid vaadeldud.

Here's a link to another blogger. She got the same pillars at the same time chasing lamp-halos with me.
Siin on viide ühele teisele blogijale. Üheskoos käisime halosid jahtimas, üheskoos sai ka pildistatud.

1 comment:

Ágnes Kiricsi said...

Those pillars are amazing. They reach up to heaven. I'm really sorry that you did not get better crystals, but at least you could try your lamp!